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Seawalls, Boat Docks, Retaining Walls, Floating Docks, Rip Rap | Lake Norman NC

Keeping Your Property Safe with SeawallsIf you’re lucky enough to have a property along a body of water, it’s worth protecting it from flooding and water damage through the integration of seawalls. Implementing a barrier between your home and the water has many benefits to keeping both you and your property safe.

A seawall is designed to act as a barrier on your shoreline preventing water from rushing onto your land in the event of large waves or heavy rainfall. Read along to discover the positive attributes that making the addition can have on your waterfront property.

  • Protection from erosion – The shoreline of any body of water has some sort of cliff or drop off to contain it. When soil is exposed to moisture, especially frequently, erosion can start to occur. Incorporating a seawall to your water’s edge caps off the bare soil to halt shifting and deterioration.
  • Flood prevention – When built higher than the land surrounding the water, a seawall acts as a flood preventative measure. Heavy rainfall can cause water levels to rise, and having a wall to stop it from overflowing keeps the chances of flooding at bay.
  • Safety – Overtime, the make-up of your shoreline can shift, causing unstable soil and rocks. If you and other people on your property enjoy spending time walking along the water’s border, implementing a seawall is a preventative safety measure to prevent slipping and falling.

Seawalls are an integral part of keeping your waterfront property safe. If you live in Lake Norman or its surrounding areas, contact our team of experts to learn more about the installation of seawalls.