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Seawalls, Boat Docks, Retaining Walls, Floating Docks, Rip Rap | Lake Norman NC

shorelinesThe undeveloped fringe areas along the edges of water bodies are known as natural shorelines, connecting the adjacent land with the shallow aquatic portion of a water body. These areas provide key environmental functions, like sustaining habitats for a variety of terrestrial and aquatic organisms, as well as regulating water quality.

The erosion of shorelines is a natural process caused by frost action, wind, ice and waves, as well as precipitation. This natural wearing-away of rock and soil can result in benefits such as the replenishment and creation of natural beaches. It can also have negative effects such as degraded water quality, structural damage, and loss or habitat or property.

Human activities like the ones listed below often accelerate or contribute to the natural process of shoreline erosion, exacerbating the negative effects. With planning and thought, these activities can be modified to reduce or avoid adverse impacts.

  • Clearing natural vegetation. Landowners often do this to increase recreational areas or expand their views, but in the process, they destroy plant roots that provide shoreline stabilization.
  • Development or construction. When done uphill of shorelines, it can result in extra storm water runoff, which causes increased sediment loads in the water.
  • Structures and surfaces. Roofs, buildings, pavements, etc., increase the energy, velocity and amount of storm water, resulting in additional runoff being routed to lakes and streams – and less into the ground – increasing shoreline erosion.

From dredging services and dock systems to retaining walls, floating docks and sea walls, our team at Renegar Construction can help with any project in the Lake Norman area of North Carolina. Contact us today for more information.